Conference Schedule
Friday, May 3, 2019
The CUNY Graduate Center
365 5th Avenue
New York, NY 10016
Room 5409
8:30am-9:00am Registration & Breakfast
9:00am-10:15am Panel #1: Crossing TEMPORAL Boundaries
Moderator: Dainy Bernstein
Fate, Faust, and Magical Girls: Japanese Reception of German Medievalism through the Case of Puelli Magi Madoka Magicka
William Arguelles, GC
Crossing the Irish Border: Towards an Understanding of Ireland’s Early Medieval Sculptural Heritage
Megan Henvey, University of York
10:15am-10:25am Coffee Break
10:25am-11:40am Panel #2: Crossing AESTHETIC Boundaries
Moderator: Robin Hizme
“Luminous and Gracefully Decorated”: A Guided Reading of the Armenian Lives of the Fathers
Earnestine Qiu, Tufts University
Le Roman de la Rose and the Dialectic of Vices: Text and Image
Cortney Berg, Arizona State University
“In swich Englissh as he kan”: A Study of Chaucer’s Vernacular
Wesley Boyko, Vanderbilt University
11:40am-11:50am Coffee Break
11:50am-1:05pm Panel #3: Crossing NORMATIVE Boundaries
Moderator: Jennifer Alberghini
The Precarious Language of Madness in Thomas Hoccleve’s Complaint
Emily Price, GC
The Well Behaved Rarely Make History: A Case Study of Cross-Dressing in Regard to Sodomy Laws and Gender Constructions in the High and Late Middle Ages
Margaret Paz, San Francisco State University
“How Can I Know if This is Truly a Sickness, or Something Else?”: Medieval Epistemology of Humoral Imbalance of the Love-Sick Body in Cligès
Miranda Hajduk, GC
1:05pm-2:10pm Lunch Break
2:10pm-3:10pm Roundtable: Teaching Across Boundaries in Medieval Classes
Moderator: Steven Kruger, Queens College and GC
Kristina Richardson (History, Queens College), Jennifer Ball (Art History, Brooklyn College and GC), Abby Kornfeld (Art History and Jewish Studies, City College of New York), Lauren Mancia (History, Brooklyn College)
3:10pm-3:20pm Coffee Break
3:20pm-4:35pm Panel #4: Crossing CULTURAL Boundaries
Moderator: William Arguelles
Tristan and the Medieval World
Mark-Allan Donaldson, GC
Majority in Number, Minority in Status, the Legacy of Byzantium in Islamic State Administration
Aliya Abdukadir Ali, Exeter University
Gender, Disability, and Jews in the Old English “Elene”: Intersections
Heide Estes, Monmouth University
4:35-4:45pm Coffee Break
4:45pm-5:45pm Keynote
Moderator: Soojung Choe
Of Saracens and Their Objects in the Epic: Translation, Association, Desire
Shirin Khanmohamadi, San Francisco State University
5:45pm Reception