Program Schedule:
8:00am Registration – Room 5105
9:00am Panel – Room 9205
The Language of Prison, the Prison of Language: Images of Enclosure and Expansion in the Ballades of Charles d’Orleans
Paola M. Rodriguez (The Graduate Center, CUNY)
Brief est a metre en escrit: Insular Textual Traditions of Thirteenth-Century French Lyric
Terrence Cullen (New York University)
Cest liure est a moy: Owning ‘French Books’ in Fifteenth-Century England
J.R. Mattison (University of Toronto)
Moderator: Sara Rychtarik (The Graduate Center, CUNY)
10:15am Coffe – Room 9205
10:30am Digital Presentation – Room 9205
Fordham University (Simon Parsons, Stephen Powell, Patrick DeBrosse, Amanda Racine)
Moderator: Michael Sargent (Queens College and The Graduate Center, CUNY)
11:15am Coffee – Room 9205
11:30am Panel – Room 9205
Channeling the Lore of St Hilary through the Cross-Channel Book Trade
Martha Rust (New York University)
Alain Chartier’s Le Quadrilogue invectif in England and Scotland: Diplomatic Affect and the Peaceable Conscience.
Sara Torres (University of Virginia)
Compiler Decisions: French and Latin in the early thirteenth-century Leges Anglorum Londiniis Collectae
Katherine Har (University of Oxford)
Moderator: Mark-Allan Donaldson (The Graduate Center, CUNY)
12:45pm Lunch Break
1:45pm Roundtable – Room 9205
Glenn Burger (Queens College and The Graduate Center, CUNY)
Deborah McGrady (University of Virginia)
Sara McDougall (John Jay College and The Graduate Center, CUNY)
Elizabeth Robertson (University of Glasgow)
Karl Steel (Brooklyn College and The Graduate Center, CUNY)
Moderator: Francesca Canade Sautman (Hunter College and The Graduate Center, CUNY)
2:45pm Coffee – Room 9205
3:00pm Panel – Room 9205
“[que] vos ditz gardiens del passage de Douere nous soeffrent passer…”: Late Medieval Englishwomen’s Francophone Culture.
Jocelyn Wogan-Browne (Fordham University)
Fantasies of Conquest: Political Marriage and the Assimilation of the East in Cliges and Bevis of Hampton
Wooree Heor (The Graduate Center, CUNY)
An Anglo-Norman Vision of Albina’s Empire
Alexander Baldassano (Queensborough Community College, CUNY)
Moderator: William Arguelles (The Graduate Center, CUNY)
4:15pm Coffee – Room 9205
4:30pm Keynote – Room 9205
Anglo-French: a translatable or untranslatable zone?
Ardis Butterfield (Yale University)
Introduction – Stephanie Grace-Petinos (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
5:30pm Reception – Room 5105
Organizers: Stephanie Grace-Petinos (University of Wisconsin-Madison); Deborah McGrady (University of Virginia); Elizabeth Roberston (University of Glasgow); Sara Rychtarik (Graduate Center, CUNY)
Sponsored by the Pearl Kibre Medieval Study, the Doctoral Students’ Council, the Henri Peyre French Institute, the Medieval Studies Certificate Program, the Ph.D. Program in Art History, the Ph.D. Program in English, and the Ph.D. Program in History