10th Annual Pearl Kibre Medieval Study Graduate Student Conference
CUNY Graduate Center, New York, NY
November 7, 2014
Persecution, Punishment and Purgatory in the Long Middle Ages
The Pearl Kibre Medieval Study, the CUNY Graduate Center’s student-run organization for medieval studies, announces its tenth annual Graduate Student Conference at the CUNY Graduate Center on Friday, November 7, 2014. This year’s theme, Persecution, Punishment and Purgatory, is designed to address a number of methodological, historical, and theoretical issues within the diverse fields of medieval studies ranging from late antiquity to the early modern period. We invite grad students to submit proposals.
Submit a 300-word abstract by September 5th to medieval.study@gmail.com
Topics may include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Origins and uses of persecution
- The result of religious and ethnic pogroms
- Forced conversions and expulsions
- Persecution as a method of socio-cultural nation and identity formation
- The character of legal and extra-legal punishment,
- Punishment as a form of discipline
- Self-inflicted punishment
- The role of punishment in the family
- The variations of punishment based on class, status, and gender
- Punishment as social control
- Concepts of the afterlife
- The relationship between sin/punishment and the afterlife
- Liminal spaces
- Peripheries
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