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William Arguelles, English

William Arguelles is a doctoral student here in the English department, working on Medieval Literature, History, and Women and Gender Studies. His research specifically looks into the relationship between Gender and Government in later Medieval England, as represented in historical and literary sources, with a critical lens towards queenship. His work aims to examine the role of women within the monarchial system, specifically focusing on the power dynamics inherent in the consort-monarch relationship, and the accompanying stereotypes and anxieties around women’s influence over governance, both then and now.

A graduate of Hunter College’s Thomas Hunter Honors Program and the Macaulay Honors College with a BA in English and Psychology, Will is a long-time CUNY veteran and advocate who currently works with the Office of Educational Opportunity & Diversity at the GC to help mentor upper level students in the CUNY system through the Pipeline Program.

Brad Fox, English

Sara Rychtarik, French

Woo Ree Heor, English

Mark-Allan Donaldson, Comparative Literature

Emily Price, English

Medieval theories of emotion, manuscript studies, disability studies, medieval medicine

Clare Wilson, History

Occitania, troubadours, crusades

Miranda Hajduk, English

Queer theory, disability studies, late medieval

Rebecca Wiegand Coale, Music

12th and 13th century French sacred music, secular music, theology

Soojung Choe, English

late medieval English literature; romance; gender (and masculinities) studies; medievalism

Paola Maria Rodriguez – Comparative Literature

Paola is a doctoral candidate in comparative literarure at the CUNY Graduate center and an adjunct at Queens College teaching Italian and German language and literature. Her research interests include troubadour poetry, the medieval lyric, mysticism, medieval philology and ancient languages.

Jennifer Alberghini, English

Research Interests: Medieval gender, marriage, and family, Chaucer, Gower, romance, and hagiography, translation

Jennifer is a Writing Across the Curriculum Fellow at Queensborough Community College, and teaches at Queens College and Marymount Manhattan College. She defended her dissertation, “Divided Loyalties: Family and Consent to Marriage in Late Middle English Literature, 1300-1500” on May 18, 2018.

Her paper “Matriarchs and Mother Tongues: The Middle English Romans of Partenay” appeared in the volume Melusine’s Footprint: Tracing the Legacy of a Medieval Myth (Brill 2017).

She served as the co-chair of PKMS from 2015-2018.

Email: jalberghini@gradcenter.cuny.edu

Joseph Pentangelo, Linguistics

Joseph Pentangelo sitting on a balconyJoseph Pentangelo is a PhD candidate in linguistics also pursuing a graduate certificate in medieval studies. He serves as a student representative for the medieval studies advisory committee.

His paper, “The Grant, the Hare, and the Survival of a Medieval Folk Belief” will appear in the March 2019 issue of Folklore.

Within the medieval era, research interests include wonders and marvels, historical linguistics, and English folklore. Outside of this domain, he is interested in language documentation and revitalization, early modern English witchcraft, and phonesthesia.

He is an Instructional Technology Fellow with the Macaulay Honors College, based at the College of Staten Island.

Website updated fairly often. You can also follow him on Academia.edu.

Dainy Bernstein, English

Research Interests: Childhood Studies; Education in the Middle Ages; Late Medieval British Texts; Medieval Ashkenazic Texts; Children’s and Young Adult Literature; Contemporary Orthodox Jewish Children’s Texts.

Dainy is a sixth-year PhD student in English. She studies medieval childhood and education. She earned her BA in English Literature with a minor in Classical Studies from the City College of New York. She is working on her dissertation titled “Medieval Adulting: Ideologies of Genre and Education in Late Medieval British Literature.”

Dainy is a WAC Fellow at Hostos Community College, and teaches courses at Lehman College and College of Staten Island. She served as the co-chair of the English Student Association in 2015-2016, and currently serves as co-chair of PKMS with Soojung Choe.

The kids are the future. And the past.

Email: [email protected]