Lesson Plan Workshop with Paola Ureni
Points to consider:
Connect to our time for student interest
Medieval and Now shares common ideas (mind, soul, individual, etc.)
Greater complexity in those concepts for Medieval
Helpful links
This site is a collection of materials for teaching medieval classes. Particularly recommended is the Medieval or Modern questionaire. (Note: may require registration).
A blog which explores the impact of Chaucer’s works around the world. Includespedagogical ideas and resources, such as “Teaching the Wife of Bath through Adaptation.”
Useful texts (not necessarily medieval)
“Why Read the Classics” Italo Calvino http://www.nybooks.com/articles/1986/10/09/why-read-the-classics/
Jeffrey Jerome Cohen “Monster Culture (Seven Theses)”
For teaching the Gothic
Eve Sedgwick The Coherence of Gothic Conventions (used with Scooby-Doo episodes)
Writing instruction materials
Sample syllabi
Sample lesson plans
lessonplanjephthahsdaughterlessonplanonchaucerandplagiarism lesson plans – lanval and the wanderer Beowulf OE guidelines
Stay tuned for information about our final workshop of the semester.